To Bare Witness/To Wear Whiteness
Participatory performance facilitated by paper mache wig, based on a French monarchy powdered wig.
Performance inspired by personal conversations, and the book Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad.
This performance was created while learning and being witness to how the oppressive system of white supremacy operates, and wanting to understand and verbalize how white privilege has operated and operates in my life and my body. Aware of the fact that whiteness is something that can be embodied, worn and performed, the action invites the audience, mostly those that hold white privilege, to wear the wig as a symbol of implanted colonialism over the bodies, to reflect and think about how whiteness operates in their life, and how it is used for their advantage, in both conscious and unconscious ways. Most importantly, the performance invites us to reflect on how those systematic advantages and privileges, even if unaware and unintended, contribute to the continuous oppression of BIPOC folks and communities.
I believe there is a need for action from people that hold white privilege to become aware, verbalize, and acknowledge these unearned and unfair advantages, and hopefully to take responsibility and be actively part of the conversation to battle systemic racism.